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Transforming Lives

what if


WHAT IF we could create a system of lifestyle coaching that included nutrition, exercise and the actual process of change itself?


WHAT IF we could provide a health and wellness program like no other that produced REAL and lasting results and offer it to ALL women, regardless of their ability to pay or their background?


We wanted ALL women to have access to the best coaching available, ​


so that’s what we did.

80% of disease can be attributed to lifestyle behaviors and is preventable

Our Why

Because only 1 in 5 Americans are of a normal body mass


Because we spend over $190 billion on treating obesity


Because 80% of disease can be attributed to lifestyle behaviors and is preventable


Because Nashville is ranked as the 4th  unhealthiest large city in the United States


The return on investment is $3-6 for every $1 invested


TNBC saves over 1 million dollars each year in prevented health costs



Our program allows women to gain the knowledge and skills needed to build and sustain a healthy lifestyle for the long-term.

Our Program


 Individualized Life Coaching


Nutritional Coaching 


Strength & Fitness Training Sessions


Mind-Body Coaching

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